Page 10 - WIFA technical guide 2019-2020
P. 10

size & width chart 1-2 ½

             Champion Light children

             The higher the performance level, the tighter the fitting                      STANDARD (reggi)
             should be.
                                                                                            STANDARD (ralf)

             English sizing system  - full and half sizes for a                             WIDE
             tighter fit.

                                                           ball measurement (A)
                size equiv length (B)                            -> 4 WIDTHS

                UK FR                                 M          L        LL          C      cm

                  1       32 21,8 cm 19,00 20,00 20,00 21,00 cm

                1½        33 22,3 cm 19,30 20,30 20,30 21,25 cm
                  2       34 22,7 cm 19,55 20,50 20,50 21,50 cm

                2½ 34½ 23,1 cm 19,80 20,75 20,75 21,75 cm

              FITTING EXAMPLE

              age:                        8   years
              foot length:                21,7 cm
              ball measurement : 18,5 cm

              skating level:              double jumps, first triples

             tight fit  =   size 1½,   width  M
             toe space :  22,3 cm  - 21,7  cm =                   6 mm

             normal fit  =  size 2,  width   M
             toe space :  22,7 cm  - 21,7 cm  =                   10 mm

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