Page 4 - WIFA technical guide 2019-2020
P. 4


             Children‘s picco lasts (24-35) are far wider than adult lasts as you can see on the
             picture. So when it comes to change from a picco last to an adult last. Please
             make sure to remeasure the feet of the young skater.

                                                        Too large a fitting does not provide sufficient
                                                        support within the boot, causing loss of sta-
                                                        bility and premature break down of the boot.

                                                        If the wrong model or the wrong size is cho-
                                                        sen it will be considered when dealing with

                                                        Foot problems like bunions (hallux valgus)
                                                        overlapping toes, high insteps,  etc. should
                                                        be taken into consideration in the fitting pro-
                                                        cedure.  In the case of dropped arches or
                                                        flat feet WIFASANA special insoles are
                                                        recommended. In case of a strong bunion

                                                        (hallux valgus) - heat molding of the boots
                                                        are a must.

             What is the right width for your foot shape?

             WIFA uses two lasts for adult sizes: Reggi and Ralf.

             Reggi (widths M, L) is the narrower last - has a higher instep and more poin-
             ted toe part - suitabel for the so called „greek“ foot shape.

             Ralf last (LL, C, CC) is wider at the foot basis and also rounder in the front.
             This last is more convenient for feet that are more like the Egyptian and Ro-

             man foot shapes.

                             Egyptian                     Roman                     Greek

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